Resources and Education

Join The Family Healing Portal

with Katrina Horn

"Crystal children embody our new and more enlightened chapter of spiritual evolution...As these souls incarnate onto the planet, the world is experiencing a massive influx of higher and purer energetic frequencies. ...They are breaking down our paradigms, and are transmuting pain, fear, and the need for separation...create a healing impact on the souls they touch; those who are prepared to see, and those who are seeking spiritual truth."

Alexis Cartwright, Beyond Doorways 

Crystal children are uniquely attuned to energy, light and crystals and are especially sensitive to the changing frequencies of the Earth's Grid, the cosmos, and the energy of the people around them. This can manifest in unusual symptoms that are challenging to support such as difficulties in being focused, grounded and relaxed in their bodies, trouble with sleeping and eating, and psychiatric issues such as phobias, anxiety, OCD, intrusive thoughts, and psychosis. 

​The more that we, as parents of crystal children, are able to develop our own emotional and energetic practices to raise our frequency and that of the household's the more our children's physical, emotional and mental health will benefit.

Learning practices specifically channelled by Alexis Cartwright to support our Crystal Children's 5th Dimensional bodies helps them to ground and protect their energetic system from undue external influence and for them to access the Earth, crystalline, stellar and electromagnetic energy they need to sustain their wellbeing.

This is a subscription program that includes monthly group energy healing sessions for continued support. Click the button below for more details. The Healing Portal begins on Monday the 25th September 10am AEST - which is Sunday the 24th September 5pm PDT, 8pm EDT, and 1am BST.

The Intuitive Homeopathy Podcast

Join Angelica Lemke, Sarah Valentini, and Bridget Biscotti Bradley for interviews with top international homeopaths, discussions about treating complex children with homeopathy, energy healing, and empowering parents to be their child’s best healer.

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Angelica Lemke’s book (published in 2021) is a compilation of what she has learned in over a decade of treating kids with complex diagnoses. The book will empower you to be your family’s best healer by tapping into your intuition and your innate connection with your child. If you are ready to be an active participant in your child’s road to recovery, this book is an indispensable navigation guide.

Tapping into your intuition

Are you the parent of a complex child who needs support working through your panic and fear so that you can more easily tap into your intuition? Join Homeopathy Hive consultant Katrina Horn for a FREE Quantum Manifesting course. She also offers an 8-week, self-paced, recorded class that guides you through the process of moving out of overwhelm and into trust and acceptance.

Instructional Videos


Truth Telling Techniques

Angelica Lemke, ND and Hive consultant Bridget Biscotti Bradley discuss various “truth telling” techniques that can be used to muscle test homeopathic remedies. This is an invaluable skill for parents of complex kids to master!

Different Dosing Styles

Hive consultant Bridget Biscotti Bradley explains the various ways of dosing homeopathic remedies and answers common questions about taking, touching, and preparing the remedies.

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Intuiting Your Child

In this meditation, Angelica guides you through the sensation process that she has used with parents thousands of times to help them tap into their intuition about what their child needs to heal.

Feeling into the Body

In a mere eight minutes, you will be led through your body to find the areas that need the most support.


Heart Affirmations

When you are feeling negative about the state your child is currently in, this meditation of affirmations will help shift your energy into one of love and compassion for your child, as well as feeling grounded and connected in the belief that you know what is best for your child.

Want More?

Head over to the School of Intuitive Homeopathy’s website to discover more educational resources, including classes and seminars for parents and professionals.